Trader Taxes

Filing for ‘Trader Tax Status’

“In this world there is nothing that is certain except death and taxes” – Benjamin Franklin The government provides it’s biggest tax breaks to business owners and investors. As a self-employed trader, there are many ways to limit your tax liability along contribute to retirement plans and deduct additional business expenses. I am not a licensed tax professional, so I refer all my trader friends and colleagues to Robert Green over at Green Trader Tax. Green and his company are…

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Filing for Trader Tax Status

“In this world there is nothing that is certain except death and taxes” -Benjamin Franklin Green Trader Tax If you trade full time and even part-time you may be eligible for “trader tax status.” Trade tax status is especially important in you trade equities. The biggest advantage to claiming “trader tax status,” is the ability to elect Mark to Market accounting. MTM accounting allows the trader to treat capital gains and losses as ordinary gains and losses. Filing under “trader…

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